Visiting address
Keskisuomalainen Osakunta
Perhonkatu 6, 2nd floor
00100 Helsinki
Phone numbers
Office: 044 377 8490
Director: 044 577 8465
Casa Academica has an electric lock with a pin number. You can contact either the Office or the Director to get the code. In case your call isn’t answered, you can leave a voice message or send a text message to the Director.
Important email addresses Director acts as an executive officer and can help you with most matters. If you’re unsure on who to contact, you can reach all main officers in this address.
Additional contact details
Bank details
Business ID: 0246208-1
Bank account:
IBAN FI8180001578970544
BIC DABAFIHH (Danske Bank)
Visiting hour for the Director
You can visit the Director on Tuesdays from 6pm to 7pm. You can also make an appointment, but for the visiting hour it is not necessary.
Mailing list
The main information channel is our mailing list,
To join the mailing list, send an email to the Director to add you to the mailing list. Please do not send your request to the mailing list, contact the Director.